On April 23rd the Social Committee at our school held a baby shower for Steve and I. Here are some pictures. (I didn't notice until seeing the photograph that the cake is missing the word "A" in "It's a Girl.") It was fun and we received a lot of wonderful gifts and gift cards!
Well, I think that is what is happening in regards to the baby. Before I would get little kicks. Now I think she is running out of space. So now she sort of rolls around. It looks weird on the outside because sometimes it makes my stomach look sideways. Very weird! I also periodically try to figure out things like: "I wonder if that bump is her butt or her head?" Here is a photo of me posing very sexy in front of a car in south beach. (You know, just like in the magazines!)
Today in science class I talked about the 38th anniversary of Apollo 13. Or as my students would say "Apoyo 13" No joke. If you don't know, "pollo" is spanish for chicken and you say it like "poyo" hence "Apoyo 13" ... makes teaching tough! - Steve
went to the AVP pro volleyball tournament with one of my volleball groups. I never knew volleyball could be so serious. The winners took hom $20,000!
I have to keep reminding myself that I will eventually have a normal body again! It's hard to remember as my belly continues to expand and the "little alien" inside kicks around.
I finally got to try some bass fishing at a pond in the Everglades today. The water has risen a lot recently and it was very difficult to fish from the shore. I did a lot of standing in swampy mud water just to be able to cast into the pond. Can you believe that this cute puppy dog was just dumped out on the road? The people who run this Miami Motocross adopted it. So I started casting with a senko plastic worm and hooked into a nice two pound bass. I noticed that two 5 to 7 foot alligators kept following me around the pond wherever I went. After catching my third bass that thrashed around a lot I finally figured out that the alligators were waiting for me to catch a fish so they could steal it as I reeled it in. Pretty frightening considering I was standing ankle deep in swamp mud. Unlike sharks, alligators can follow you on to dry land! The magic hour hit and I caught bass after bass and lost several huge ones in the lily pads. I even caught one peacock bass.
Today I went peacock bass fishing with guide Steve McDonald from bassmasters.com. I went with Hippo and little Hippo too. We fished Miami canals near the airport. On little Hippo's first cast he caught his first peacock bass. Soon we all three had fish on board. The highlight of the day was sight fishing for fish on their beds. Both Hippo and I were able to accurately cast right on the fish bed to get some nice size fish. The male fish have an interesting hump on their head. The last couple of fish were on artificial lures which made it even more of a challenge. It was a little scary driving 50MPH in canals around town. Watch your head on those bridges!