When you get a lot of bad news - not the kind of "you're going to die" bad news, but a lot of disappointment really - it's hard to accept good news. Yesterday we got the results of the CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) test. The test results came back negative for any chromosomal defects. We are still trying to absorb it. The results mean that after three tries, we may actually be having a healthy baby. We are still feeling reserved. (There is one other test at 16 weeks - a blood test to check for neural tube defects.)
So at this point, it looks like in June we might be parents. Maybe after a few days, we will get better used to the idea. (Pam had a thought yesterday: "Maybe they mixed up my results with someone else's!" It's these kinds of thoughts we are still trying to work out.)
We could find out the sex of the baby, but we haven't decided on whether or not we want to know this. It might be nice to have at least one mystery...