The other morning I took the dog out and found a newly fallen coconut. So I brought it in the house and ate it! It was pretty good! Just like from the store only free...
Reina got us into Mansion's halloween party saturday night. Pam took a funny picture with this guy Terry the tiger. I was supposed to be the guy from the movie 300 but my beard kept coming off!
My parents Don and Terry came to visit this past weekend. We went kayaking at Oleta River State park where we saw a huge green iguana! Then we went to the beach and had a nice time swiming at Miami Beach. Pam ran into this jellyfish but she did not get stung.
I was looking at this blog and its looks like all we do is outdoor fun! Maybe I'll take a pic of me in my room doing hours of grading to show how I really spend my time!
Last Saturday we went to Crandon park for their "eco tour" of snorkeling and kayaking. We kayaked out to a fossilized mangrove reef. We got a waterproof case for the digital camera. Pam found a nurse shark hiding in the reef! I had fun chasing schools of fish and finding some puffers. Our guide also showed us some edible sea grapes which were actually pretty tasty!