Okaaaayyyy.... Well, what can I say? It's been nearly two months since the last post! A lot has happened.
Steve and I began teaching at
Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center. We have just finished our third week. I am teaching third grade and Steve is currently teaching 7th grade civics and intro. to computers. It's been a tough time for the middle school teachers since 7th grade is new to Fienberg Fisher. Scheduling has been a nightmare. Of course, the worst part is this is Steve's introduction into the world of teaching. Finally, in the second week of school, Steve and I both went to see the principal. His teaching position will be changing - not sure when - and he will be teaching 6th grade math and science instead.
Sammy is still alive and seems to be tolerating the heat well.
Back in August, our former neighbors and friends from Hampden, The Stacys, visited us here in South Beach. We had a great time. Eli and Willow are growing up fast.

We all had a great time. We visited
Monkey Jungle as well. Here Eli explains the art of arm pit farting.
To be continued...